Secular Sunday
Secular Sunday is a weekly(coming soon), streaming online gathering for Non-Theists
My name is Thomas, most call me Tommy, and I’m the host and founder of Secular Sunday. Our programing is a weekly gathering of Non-Theists seeking to grow and share our knowledge and understanding of life without superstition, without the supernatural, and without giving up rational thought and reason to feel like you belong to a large, loving, and empathetic purpose.
Secular Sunday is a place for young and old to acknowledge and accept and be acknowledged and accepted and supported for recognizing their unique nature.
My goal is to promote evidence-based belief that we, human beings, have within us the capacity to live our best lives, both individually and together, by adopting and applying ethics, reason, logic, empathy, and compassion, utilizing the scientific method and continuous education to foster rational psychological and intellectual growth that does not harm others or ourselves, and that does not rely on superstition, or the supernatural and theistic to provide speculation, suspicions, or answers for things we are yet to know or understand.
I consider myself a Notheist. I admit there is little if any difference between being a Notheist or an Atheist. However, I have experienced Atheism, in its name only, as an Anti-Theist and Anti-God message. While I agree there is no “god”, or “gods”, or anything that is somehow divine in its nature, I find the term Atheist has been coopted by radical religious conservatives. In my view, Atheist now promotes an active and hostile opposition to both theists and their deities. Theists have conflated Atheist to mean Anti-God and Anti-People-of-Faith. They use “Atheist”, as an epithet and consider Atheists as active threats to their future. Theists see Atheists as the enemy, rather than another point of view or philosophy. It is my thinking that rebranding in this day and age seems to work. Not that I’m attempting to rebrand Atheism.
I want to define what I think is a more accurate term for what I have reflected upon for my own philosophies. I call it Notheism.
Humanism, which I have been a part of for about a decade now is closer to what I accept as truth, realistic, and closer to how people should be.
Notheism is just that for me. It defines that there are no gods, no divinity, and thus no need for religion. Notheism doesn’t seek to stamp out theism, but rather counter the theistic messages of separatism, violence, hate, love of deity over self and others, corrupting usage of theistic rules and unproven writings to justify unethical and inhumane behavior towards fellow human beings, and the corrupt teachings and proselytizing by radical and extreme religious barkers.
Secular Sunday will form as a 501.c.3 Non-Profit organization. The purpose and goal of the 501.c.3 is to raise money to support the streaming and hosting of and for its programming, and to provide benefits to our members by promoting, supporting, and providing non-theistic; entertainment programming, community services, public policy, social and political representation, and to provide for a place and space for similarly minded non-theists to gather in friendship, comradery, and solidarity in hopes to become a thriving and vital non-theistic community of all ages, backgrounds, races, ethnicities, gender orientations, and sexual identities.
We are hoping to premiere on Twitch, YouTube, and here, as well as other platforms in the month of July 2022 and beyond, but it could take longer.
Over the next several weeks we hope to build out this site and create some programming, but we will need to take care of the legal stuff before we can take any donations or obtain funding. Please keep a lookout for Secular Sunday as we expand this site and built-out to other platforms like Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and also Kickstarter, Patreon, and other crowdfunding sites.
Thank you and may you always think before you act.
Thomas Engel
Secular Sunday